Feb 5, 2023Liked by MaryAnn Johanson

Damn. Hard to read of your suffering. Amazed at how much you've dealt with. Reminded of a NY Times article "Silent Suffering" (about menopause) -- the point was that hormone replacement therapy was safe but underutilized because "To paraphrase Rebecca Thurston, a leading figure in menopause research, we have a high tolerance for women’s suffering. She considers it one of the great blind spots of medicine." I hope the NHS gets its act together and fixes your hip.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by MaryAnn Johanson

Man, that's a lot. I'm sorry.

There's this Gapingvoid cartoon I saw years ago. The caption read, "'I can't take this shit anymore,' he said, mistakenly."

I don't think it's meant to be comforting. I thought it was funny, though.

Here's hoping the universe relents soon.

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by MaryAnn Johanson

oh MaryAnn, I am so very sorry for all the universe continues to pile on. I don't have anything helpful or comforting to say, unfortunately; sometimes it's just absolute shit. I am hoping for you that the timeline for your surgery is quicker than expected, and that the time until then is as low-pain as possible, and requires a minimal amount of additional expense. Thinking of you.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by MaryAnn Johanson

I am so, so sorry to hear about your personal ton of bricks. I know you're not old, but I am also reminded of the observation that old age is not for sissies. LIFE is not for sissies, I would add. Chronic pain is so soul-eroding, it can't be imagined and it can barely be borne. You seem to be doing a gallant job of facing these demons and yet carrying on. I wish you strength!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by MaryAnn Johanson

So sorry for all the sh!t you’ve been going through, but please find a way to hang in there for the hip replacement, they do work well for my friends who’ve had them.

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