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I think the psychiatrist is downplaying Biden's troubles while fully addressing Trump's, but he's not wrong.

And I don't much care about the flaws in his analysis of Biden, at this point. Unless one of them dies before the election (which can't be ruled out, and dementia increases the odds), even if Biden's a "Weekend at Bernie's" style president, I'll gladly vote for the shadowy cabal of Party hacks who are his controllers over Donald Trump. And I was a lifelong Republican until Trump took over the party.

There's a war going on in Europe now, and it doesn't stop going on just because people aren't paying as much attention. Biden's response has been tepid and full of half-measures, but Trump actively wants the free world to lose this war, and could make it happen on Day One of his second term. WITHOUT doing anything illegal or unconstitutional. Betraying Ukraine, as stupid and loathsome as it would be, is fully within the enumerated constitutional powers of the executive branch.

My basic calculation is, if you want to spend most of the next 10-20 years fighting World War III, vote Trump. (Which is not to say "nuclear war" BTW. but while building up a big mythology around global thermonuclear war, we've largely forgotten just how destructive and disruptive a "regular" war on a global scale can be. It would be plenty horrible, and can best be prevented or delayed by stopping Russia now.)

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