My hip-replacement surgery went very well, and I am home! (Yes, they send you home the same day.) More soon…

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I am very behind on checking my emails, so please forgive how late this response. is. I am so glad to hear it went so well, and hope recovery is progressing just as smoothly!

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My mom had a hip replacement, and she went from "could barely walk, even with a cane" to "doing yardwork and taking long walks like it was nothing" in a matter a couple months. The best of luck to you!

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Good luck!

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My wife had both hips done nearly twenty years ago (two years apart). In the time between the first and the second hip, the incision went from 6 inches to 2, and the recovery was much shorter. No guarantee, but with robotics and natural progression of technique, I suspect you will have a good outcome -- and one that is long overdue.

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Being 3 months into recovery & rehab for tibia fracture, I'm here to say, "you GOT this!". Pain that feels productive isnt as bad - just tiring. Masks in medical offices feel a bit safer. Take care of yourself & go slow. Treats are very much allowed. Thinking good thoughts.

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Thinking all the biggest and best thoughts to you from Seattle. May your recovery be swift and complete.

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